The Power of
a Song…
Those of you who know the story of Victor
Jara will know that the Chilean Folk Singer did what he thought was right for his
country and the impoverished and oppressed majority within it. His weapon of
choice was his guitar and the songs of freedom which helped sweep the Socialist
government of Salvador Allende into power in 1970. Of course the Military and
their puppet masters in the CIA organised a coup which saw Allende dead and
thousands of left wing intellectuals and activists rounded up and imprisoned in
the national football stadium in Santiago. The military junta, as is the way of
such fascist and reactionary regimes, left a trail of torture and death in
their wake as they ‘cleansed’ Chile. Jara was sent to the stadium with the
thousands of others in September 1973 and few, if any of them, saw their
families again. The soldiers, knowing Jara was a folk singer wanted to make an
example of him and used an axe on his hands in front of hundreds of other
prisoners. Witnesses said they laughed and said ‘sing for us now, Victor’ to him as he lay on the turf. To their
astonishment, despite his horrendous injuries, Jara stood up and said, "All
right comrades, let's do the señor commandante a favor!" and began to
sing the ‘Unidad’ a left wing song. The eyewitness recalled that Jara was then
machine gunned before the military turned their guns on the other prisoners. Victor Jara’s
body had 44 bullet wounds when his English wife identified it at the morgue. Five
years later, the SFA thought it appropriate to play Chile in a friendly match in
that same stadium.
Forgive the rather heavy content of that
first paragraph but it illustrates that some people see songs as dangerous
things. Victor Jara weapons of choice were his guitar and his songs. U2 remembered
him on their Joshua Tree Album when they wrote in the song ‘One Tree Hill’…
"And in the world a heart of darkness, a fire zone.
Where poets speak their heart, then bleed for it. Jara sang, his song a weapon,
in the hands of love. Though his blood still cries from the ground."
And so we
come to another song in another time and place which some seem to find
offensive. Police kick in doors and drag young men off for daring to air it in
public. This isn’t 1970s Chile or some other despotic dictatorship, this goes
on in 2013 Scotland. The song in question is of course ‘Roll of Honour’ which remembers the 10 Irish Hunger Strikers who
died in 1981. It is sung by a small minority of Celtic supporters, mostly at
away games and has been the focus of much discussion among the Celtic support.
Anyone who reads my blogs will know I don’t think a football stadium is the
place for the expression of political sentiments of any kind. I make no value
judgment about such songs. I merely question the damage they do to Celtic and
our support’s reputation. It is worth printing the lyric of the song here so
anyone not familiar with it can judge if they find it offensive or not for themselves…
‘Read the
roll of honour for Ireland’s bravest men
We must be united in memory of the ten,
We must be united in memory of the ten,
you’re a monster, don’t think that you have won
We will never be defeated while Ireland has such sons.
We will never be defeated while Ireland has such sons.
In those
dreary H-Block cages ten brave young Irishmen lay
Hungering for justice as their young lives ebbed away,
For their rights as Irish soldiers and to free their native land
They stood beside their leader – the gallant Bobby Sands.
Now they mourn Hughes in Bellaghy,
Ray McCreesh in Armagh’s hills
Hungering for justice as their young lives ebbed away,
For their rights as Irish soldiers and to free their native land
They stood beside their leader – the gallant Bobby Sands.
Now they mourn Hughes in Bellaghy,
Ray McCreesh in Armagh’s hills
In those
narrow streets of Derry they miss O’Hara still,
They so proudly gave their young lives to break Britannia’s hold
Their names will be remembered as history unfolds.
They so proudly gave their young lives to break Britannia’s hold
Their names will be remembered as history unfolds.
Through the
war torn streets of Ulster the black flags did sadly sway
To salute ten Irish martyrs the bravest of the brave,
Joe McDonnell, Martin Hurson, Kevin Lynch, Kieran Doherty
They gave their lives for freedom with Thomas McElwee.
Michael Devine from Derry you were the last to die
To salute ten Irish martyrs the bravest of the brave,
Joe McDonnell, Martin Hurson, Kevin Lynch, Kieran Doherty
They gave their lives for freedom with Thomas McElwee.
Michael Devine from Derry you were the last to die
With your
nine brave companions with the martyred dead you lie
Your souls cry out “Remember, our deaths were not in vain.
Fight on and make our homeland a nation once again !”
Your souls cry out “Remember, our deaths were not in vain.
Fight on and make our homeland a nation once again !”
In terms of content it is a straight forward homage
to the courage of Republican prisoners during the troubles, who paid the
ultimate price for their beliefs. The ‘Threatening
Behaviour at Football and Offensive Communications Act (Scotland) 2012’ deems
that in some circumstances such songs may breach the law. Was there ever such a
big hammer used to crack such a small nut? A dedicated Police Unit raiding
homes, people banned from football with no explanation, young men criminalised
for what exactly? Holding political views those in power disagree with?
We saw from the life and death of Victor Jara that some see songs as dangerous weapons. Surely we’ve advanced enough in Scotland to accept diverse opinions without trying to make those opinions we disagree with illegal? And what of the Civil Liberties groups who were so appalled and vociferous when the Russian Pop band ‘Pussy Riot’ were imprisoned for 2 years for shouting anti-religious slogans in a church in Moscow? The silence from them and indeed the trade union movement is deafening. People’s rights are being infringed here, is that acceptable just because they’re football fans?
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