Jim ‘Joker’ McCann’s coffin stood a little forlornly at the
front of the small church. It was covered by a white ceremonial sheet which in
turn was topped with a cross and a bible. A fairly sombre collection of friends
and relatives shuffled in and began filling the pews. His two sons sat in the
front row, looking a little uncomfortable in their suits and ties, and were
joined in turn by their uncles and aunts. Joker had five brothers and sisters
and they in turn had a dozen children between them and already a new generation
of little ones was springing forth. Joker’s younger son, Barry looked at his
older brother and whispered, ‘A good
turnout, he’d like that.’ Tam’s face didn’t change from its usual glum
appearance as he replied, ‘Aye, he was
popular enough. Just hope his Will doesn’t cause a war.’ Barry exhaled, if
there was one aspect of his big brother’s personality he disliked it was his
continual obsession with money. The Priest entered as a bell rang somewhere
refocussing Barry’s mind on the real reason they were there; to celebrate
Joker’s life.
As the service progressed the Priest spoke about their old
man’s life and was surprisingly well informed. ‘James Joseph McCann was born in Duke Street Hospital in Glasgow on
October the nineteenth, 1957. It is said that his father James Senior was
otherwise engaged as young James took his first breath on that bright autumn
day being as he was at the League Cup Final between Celtic and Rangers. I think
it’s fair to say that Joseph Snr was pleased with the result both at Hampden
and at the hospital!’ There was a quiet laughter in the church at this as
everyone knew how Celtic daft the McCann’s were. ‘He went to St Mary’s Primary school and it caused eyebrows to be
raised when his father took him out of school for a few days in the spring of
1967 for a trip to Lisbon in Portugal where 9 year old James and his father
watched Celtic winning the European Cup. Family legend suggests his father was
part of a group of Celtic fans who invaded the field at full time and virtually
dragged Billy McNeill’s shirt from his back. It was cut into pieces and
everyone got a part of it to cherish, even nine year old James.’ Barry
whispered to his brother, ‘Wonder where that bit of family history got to?’ As
the Priest continued his description of Joker’s life Barry found himself
smiling. His old man earned his nickname well and his constant steam of jokes
and wind ups featured largely in life story
The Priest looked up and smiled a little as he continued
painting a picture of the dearly departed Joker McCann,’ His humour and his practical jokes were a feature of his life and I
was reminded of the time he decided to put a fresh spin on the old whoopee
cushion joke by filling it with gravy. It was intended for his late wife but
alas my predecessor Father O’Hara arrived unexpectedly at the house and sat on
the aforementioned whoopee cushion with predictable consequences.’ At this
there was more laughter from the congregation. It struck Barry that he’d always
remember his old man smiling or wise cracking at parties or in the pub. He could
be a very funny man and Barry recalled going to a garden centre to buy a
Christmas tree the year before. A spotty faced youth looked at Joker and asked,
‘Are you going to put it up yourself?’
Joker replied with a straight face, ‘No,
I was thinking in the living room.’
It was a strangely
joyous funeral and he figured his old fellah would have wanted it that way. He
had lived a full and happy life and the great loves of his life; his family and
Celtic Football Club had given him a lot of pride and pleasure.
The following Monday morning Barry sat with Tam in the office
of their father’s Lawyer, the grandly named Cornelius McBride. The Lawyer
looked at them over the top of his glasses, his receding and rather unkempt grey
hair and overgrown white eyebrows making him look like large bird of prey. ‘Gentleman, if we are ready to proceed I
shall read the last Will and Testament of Mr James McCann.’ A hush
descended on the room as old Joker was said to be worth a few quid and the sale
of his home and life insurance policies would accrue even more. Money was never
that important to Barry but Tam unconsciously licked his lips and stared
impatiently at the old lawyer. ‘As a
preliminary, I have calculated that the entire estate of Mr McCann including
savings, interest, life insurance payments and the likely proceeds from the
sale of his former home will, following the settling of his various creditors
accounts, amount to a sum in the region of £210,000.’ Tam’s eyes lit up as
he heard this and he audibly sighed.
The lawyer opened a manila envelope and removed Joker’s hand
written Will. ‘If you could bear with me,’
he said in a somewhat bemused voice, ’the
will is one of the more… unusual I’ve dealt with over the years.’ The two
brothers looked at each other a little bemused as the old lawyer continued. ‘I’ll read exactly what your father has
‘Hello Tam and Barry,
if you’re listening to these words then I guess it means I’ve gone to join your
mother. Don’t be sad as I’m beyond pain and suffering. You’ve been two of the
best sons a father could wish for and I want you both to be happy in the years
God gives you so always be there for each other.
As to my treasure, well
I couldn’t decide what to do with it so I’ve decided to set you a wee test. If
you can answer three questions to Mr McBride’s satisfaction, he’ll give you the
key to the small safe in his office and all it contains is yours. If you can’t
solve the questions – you don’t get the key. Here are the three questions…
Who is sitting on the words ‘Ignoti
et quasi occulti in hoc mundo?
Where is AMDG written in squares?
Where do angels look over the three T’s?
You know I liked a joke,
boys so I’ll keep it simple. The first one of you to solve these three riddles
and provide Mr McBride with the necessary proof gets the key to the safe and my
See you in a better
place, Your Dad, Joker.’
The old Lawyer stopped reading and looked at them. ‘As I’ve said, it’s the most unusual will I’ve
ever had to deal with but I’m bound to carry out your father’s wishes. The
first one who answers the 3 questions successfully gets they key to the safe
and all it contains.’ With that he handed them both a copy of their father’s
letter. Tam looked at his brother Barry
with a look of disgust on his face, ‘What
the fuck is he playing at? Riddles? Can he not just gie us the fuckin money?’
Barry shook his head, ‘we could work on this this together, Tam, share whatever
is in the safe?’ Tam shook his head, ‘I’m
figuring this oot, Barry and I don’t need your help.’ With that he stood
and stormed out of the room. Barry shook hands with the old lawyer, ‘Sorry about that, Mr McBride. He’s a bit
headstrong oor Tam.’ The layer stood and shook his hand, ‘Good luck solving
those riddles.’ As Barry turned to leave the old man added, ‘You know I can’t help you on your quest, but
I can say that I was educated at St Aloysius School. We used to write AMDG at
the top of every new page in our jotters.’ Barry smiled, ‘thanks, I’ll
keep that in mind.’
Barry sat at home and opened his laptop; it flickered to life
with its screensaver of the new Celtic way leading to Celtic Park. He quickly
googled ‘Ignoti et quasi occulti in hoc
mundo’ and it took him seconds to learn that it was the motto of the Marist
Brothers and as any Celtic fan knows, the founder of the club was a Marist. He
mumbled to himself, ‘but who’s sitting on
those words?’ Then it clicked and he
grabbed his car keys and headed for Celtic Park.
He searched the base of the Brother Walfrid statue and there
he found the words, ‘Ignoti et quasi
occulti in hoc mundo’ on one of the panels. Barry smiled, ‘Walfrid’s sitting on those words!’ He
took a few photographs and headed back down the Celtic Way. The first problem had been solved.
That night as darkness fell over Glasgow he looked at the
second problem. ‘Where is AMDG written in
squares?’ He recalled the old lawyer said he used to write those letters at
the top of each page when he was a pupil at St Aloysius. He soon found out via
the internet that ‘AMDG’ was an acronym
for ‘Ad Majoren de Gloriam’ the motto
of the Jesuit order but where is it written in squares? He wracked his brain, ‘St Peter’s Square? George Square?’ No
solution came to mind and he drifted to sleep that night thinking it over.
His phone jarred him out of his slumber as another dawn crept
in between his curtains. He could hear Tam’s voice as he pressed it to his ear,
‘Aw right bro, you solved any of those
riddles yet?’ Barry focussed and mumbled, ‘aye, one of them. You solved any?’
‘Aye one, tell me yours first then I’ll tell you mine.’ Barry sat up in bed, ‘The one asking about sitting on the words, it’s Brother Walfrid. It’s
on the plinth of his statue.’ Tam replied a little curtly, ‘Aye, that’s the wan I solved as well. Catch
ye later.’ With that he hung up and Barry felt just a little conned. ‘Mental note to self,’ he mumbled, ‘Tell Tam fuck all!’
The following afternoon Barry headed into Glasgow City centre.
As he wandered up Buchanan Street he was stopped by a couple of brightly
dressed tourists, ‘Excuse me,’ the American woman said with a not unpleasant
accent, ‘we’re on vacation and wanted to
visit Glasgow City hall?’ Barry thought for a moment, ‘You mean the city chambers?’ She nodded, ‘Yeh, the one with all the marble and mosaics.’ Barry smiled, ‘Follow me it’s just up here in George
Square.’ He led them to the square and pointed out the unmistakable form of
the city Chambers. The American man shook his hand, ‘Thank you, y’all have a
nice day now.’ Barry watched them negotiate the traffic and cross the road into
George Square but something was niggling at his mind. What had she said? ‘The one with the marble and mosaics!’
That’s it, the clue, ‘Where is AMDG written in Squares?’ It must be written in
mosaic squares! He crossed into George Square and sat on a bench. His old man’s
riddles were all about Celtic so he searched on his phone ‘Glasgow Celtic Mosaic’ and in less than a second
saw an image on his phone of a mosaic on the floor of St Mary’s church in
Glasgow’s east end. He enlarged the picture and carefully read the words around
the edge of the mosaic. It read, ‘To the
greater glory of God and in honour of his blessed mother commemorating the
foundation of the Celtic Football Club in this Parish of St Mary’s Calton.’
There it was- AMDG - ‘To the greater glory
of God’ written in squares. He’d solved it! ‘Two down and one to go!’ he said to himself with a satisfied smile.

Over the next few days, Barry thought long and hard about the
last riddle; where do angels look over
the three T’s? What did it mean by the ‘three
T’s?’ Neither the internet nor discussions with his Celtic supporting
friends could help solve the problem. His old man would be laughing at his
struggles. His brother had phoned a couple of times fishing but Barry
stonewalled him and said he was still stuck on the last two riddles. Tam was
not happy- he could smell money but had no way of getting at it without the
answers. In truth, Barry found his brother’s greed a little nauseating.
The following week Barry was taking his twelve year old cousin
Kevin on a tour of Celtic Park. Despite being a lifelong fan he had never gone
on the tour so was fairly excited himself. He put all thoughts of his old man’s
riddles out of his head as he and a group of chattering fans followed the guide
up the ramp towards the front door of the stadium. As they neared the front
door Barry glanced at the bronze plaque on the wall dedicated to the memory of
the great Tommy Burns. As he passed it he heard the man behind him say, ‘God bless ye T. we all miss ye still.’
Barry stopped in his tracks and the man bumped into him. ‘Sorry pal,’ Barry said pushing past him. He stopped in front of the
Tommy Burns plaque and looked at it. It showed three images of Tommy, one as a
player in that classic prayerful pose he had struck after scoring a goal, one holding
the Scottish Cup as Manager and one in what could have been a coaching top.
Young Kevin stared at him, ‘Are we going
inside Barry?’ Barry didn’t answer as he glanced at the top of the bronze
plaque. There he could see two angels, identical to the ones above St Mary’s
Church! ‘Of course’ he laughed, ‘three
T’s- three Tommys!’ Young Kevin
looked at him bemused, ‘we’ll miss the
tour!’ Barry grinned and took a picture of the plaque before leading young
Kevin into Celtic Park. He’d solved the last riddle!

Barry picked Tam up in his car early the following Monday
morning. They had made an appointment to see Mr McBride and he wanted to be
there early. Tam was beside himself, ‘So
ye solved them? I don’t have a clue. Yer sharing with me aren’t ye? I mean
anything my da left is for us both?’ ‘Jesus
Tam,’ Barry said, ‘is money all you think about? Yer da died a couple of weeks
back and all you’ve rabbited on about is bloody money!’ Tam snorted, ‘Are ye sharing wi me, aye or naw? Because if
yer no, I’m getting oot this car right noo!’’ Barry exhaled, ‘Aye Tam. You’ll get half of what’s there,
now shut up aboot it.’
Mr McBride listened carefully to Barry as he went through the
questions one by one. ‘Brother Walfrid is
sitting on the words; they’re on a panel on the plinth of his statue. AMDG is
on the Celtic mosaic in St Mary’s church and the angels looking over the three
T’s refers to the Tommy Burns plaque at Celtic Park.’ Barry showed the old lawyer
pictures on his phone to corroborate his answers. The old man nodded, ‘You satisfy the conditions so as per your
father’s instructions, the key is yours.’ He opened a drawer on his desk
and took out a small wooden box which he opened and removed a key from. ‘This is the key to the safe, if you’ll allow
me?’ Barry nodded, ‘Go ahead.’ The
old man stood and turned the key in the lock of the safe and opened the heavy door.
Tam could barely contain himself, ‘Yasss
Barry boy! You did it, you solved the riddles.’
Barry watched as the lawyer removed two brown envelopes from
the safe and placed them on the table. He opened the first envelope and removed
an A4 sheet of paper. Barry watched with interest as he unfolded it and
prepared to read it. Tam was virtually rocking on his seat with excitement. The
old lawyer began to read, ‘It is my settled
will that all my assets be given in equal shares to the following….’ Tam
waited for his name, after all he was the oldest, it’d be his name first. As
the lawyer began to read out a list of charities, Tam’s face fell. ‘Whit, he’s giving his money tae fuckin’
cats and dugs and folk in Africa he’s never met!’ Barry laughed as Tam
pointed hopefully at the other envelope, ‘Whit
dis that wan say?’ The lawyer showed them the two words written by their
father on the front of the envelope. It read, ‘My Treasure.’ Tam’s eyes widened, perhaps he’d get something worth
having after all. The old man opened the large envelope and removed a poly-pocket
which contained a ragged strip of green and white cotton. ‘This I believe is a piece of the shirt worn by Billy McNeill when
Celtic won the European cup.’ Tam was aghast, ‘A rag, a fuckin auld rag! That’s his treasure, is this a fuckin joke?’
Barry laughed out loud, his old man had indeed set up one final joke and by God
it was a good one. The old lawyer looked on with some amusement on his face at
the two brothers. Tam was incandescent with rage, ‘You keep the fuckin rag, Barry! But just you remember when yer skint,
yer old man gave thousands away tae feed fuckin abandoned Rottweilers!’ Barry
was rocking with laughter. Good old Joker, he thought, he had played his hand
He picked up the piece of Billy McNeill’s shirt and looked at
it. His old man had kept it all these years. ‘I’ll look after your treasure Da, don’t you worry about that.’ He
left the lawyers office still laughing to himself.