Magic Zurawski and the Jimmy Final
The 7000 Celtic fans in the Broomloan Road stand held their
breath as Chris Burke hared up the right wing unchallenged. The Rangers winger
glanced into the box to see Prso bursting beyond the Celtic defence. He flashed
a cross along the six yard line and Prso looked favourite to meet it and break
the deadlock. As Sniper gripped Barry’s shoulder in the packed stand behind the
goal a flash of yellow, in the shape of Artur Boruc, intercepted the cross and
in an instant sent the ball downfield. ‘Yaaasss!
Gon the Holy Goalie’ yelled Sniper from the fourth row of the stand. The
play raged to the other end of the field and a high ball caused chaos in the
centre of the Rangers defence. The ball broke to Zurawski, Celtic’s Polish
striker and he flashed a low shot into the corner of the net. A hundred yards
away the massed ranks of green clad supporters exploded. Barry, Mick and Sniper
grabbed each other in a euphoric huddle. They jumped and roared as they
celebrated the goal with all the zest they could muster. Celtic were miles
ahead in the league but that didn’t matter. All they cared about in that
instant was sharing together that moment of triumph at the home of their
greatest rivals.
As the game progressed it was clear that Neil Lennon and Roy
Keane were bossing the midfield. They snarled and flew into tackles leaving
Ferguson and Malcolm looking outclassed and outfought. The home support were
subdued but Sniper was in his element taunting the nearest Rangers fans with
his usual crude wit. ‘Here you ya mad
walloper, how ur ye liking it?’ Then the away fans started a familiar song
which echoed around Ibrox..’Hail Hail the
Celts are here, what the hell do we care, we the hell do we care…’ The
three friends, arms draped around each other’s shoulders joined in as 7000
voices roared out in unison... ‘For it’s
a grand old team to play for, for it’s a grand old team to see…’ Celtic were
looking in control and dominant and the fans were loving it. Later in the game as Prso looked set to
break, Keane nailed him with a professional body check and took the yellow
card. No one was going to stop Celtic winning today. It was a solid
professional display and the fans left Ibrox in good voice. Somewhere in the
happy crowd Sniper was separated from his two friends as the crowd swept
towards the buses. Barry scanned the masses of green clad supporters but there
was no sign of his tall friend. ‘Where’s
that dick got to?’ enquired Barry. ‘We’ll
get him up the pub later,’ Mick replied ‘I’m sure he can find his way up the
road without us.’

Two hours later a call from Govan Police office to Mick’s
phone alerted him to the fact that Sniper was in jail. ‘Big man’s been lifted’ he said to Barry. Barry looked at him in
surprise, ‘What for, possession of a
peanut shaped head?’ Mick’s serious face told him it was true. ‘Boxing wi the bammy brigade.’ Barry shook his head, ‘The big man isny a trouble maker?’ Mick added, ‘But if anybody starts he won’t back doon either.’ The two friends
finished their beer and headed over to Govan Police station to pick up their
friend who was being released later that evening. They sat in the waiting room
among the friends and relatives of those who had stepped over the line that
day. A drunk started singing ‘Follow
Follow we will follow Rangers,’ as Mick and Barry looked on a burly
Policeman showed him the door. After what seemed an eternity Sniper appeared.
His Celtic shirt was ripped and the area below his left eye was bruised. ‘Awright fannybaws!’ he grinned at his
friends, ‘I’m feelin like Lee Harvey
Oswald in here.’ Barry shook his head, ‘Mer
like Lee Harvey oddball.’ As they headed for the exit Mick asked, ‘So whit happened anyway Sniper?’ The big man replied, ‘Bit of boxing wi the goons, nae big deal, starting their usual pish.’ Mick looked at him, ‘So ur ye being charged?’ Sniper nodded,
‘Aye, assault and breach. Nae worries but
I’ll be walking wance they hear my side of things in court.’ ‘Aye,’ said Barry, ‘That’s what Lee Harvey Oswald said.’ As they headed along the
Paisley Road heading for the bus stop the drunk who was thrown out of the
Police Station shouted at Sniper, ‘We arra Peepo!’ Sniper refused to take the
bait, ‘Still trying tae be a Wit eh? Well yer hauf way there.’
The gallery of Court one was busy as Sniper took the stand. Barry
and Mick sat near the front offering their moral support to their good friend
who stood charged with assault and threatening behaviour. The Prosecuting
Lawyer looked at Sniper with some disdain as he stood dressed in jeans and a
green T-shirt which allowed the court to see his tattoo covered arms. After the
preliminary questions establishing who he was and where he lived the Prosecutor
got to the meat of the trial. ‘Where were
you on Sunday the twelth of February?’
Sniper looked at him, ‘I was at
the fitbaw.’ The lawyer continued, ‘You
attended a football match between Rangers and Celtic at Ibrox Stadium, is that
correct?’ Sniper, showing no sign of nerves, nodded, ‘Correct Chief.’ The Lawyer
leaned on the podium in front of him, ‘After
the game did anything unusual occur?’ Sniper
shrugged, ‘Naw.’ The Lawyer’s
eyebrows were raised a little as he looked at his notes, ‘Are you sure of that, because I have been led to believe that you
were involved in a fracas on Paisley Road West. Was this the case?’ Sniper
looked at him a mystified look on his face, ‘Whit’s a frak-arse?’ There was a mild murmur of laughter from the
gallery as the lawyer looking a little irritated continued, ‘A fracas could be said to be a physical confrontation,
a fight if you will?’ Sniper nodded, ‘Goat
ye noo boss. aye there wiz a wee bit of boxing but that’s no unusual wi that
mob.’ The Prosecution lawyer went
on, ‘In your own words tell the court
what occurred.’ Sniper looked at him in a relaxed matter of fact way, ‘A few o’ us were heading up the road after the
gem when a mob appeared fae wan o’ yon mad pubs oan Paisley Road. Fired a few
bottles at us but shat it when we stood wur ground. Then the Polis showed up
and that wiz that, the game’s a bogie.’ The little lawyer removed his
glasses, ‘So you claim that you were
accosted by a group of opposition supporters who exited a public house with the
express intent of attacking you, is that what you’re telling the court?’ Sniper
nodded, ‘Aye.’ Did you see my client Mr McWilliams among the
group from the pub?’ ‘Oh Aye,’ replied Sniper, ‘Ye couldny miss him.’ ‘What do you mean by that?’ asked the Lawyer.
Sniper went on, ‘He’s a big guy, know wit
ah mean, mer chins than a Chinese phone book.’ There was another ripple of
laughter in the court. The Lawyer pressed on with a more strident tone of voice,
‘I put it to you that your group were in
fact the aggressors that day and that you did in fact assault Mr McWilliams
with no provocation whatsoever!’ Sniper shook his head, ‘Naw Pal, fat boy wis mad wi it and looking
for a Tim tae batter. Canny just staun and take it can ye?’ The Lawyer
raised his voice a little more, ‘I also
put it to you that you did in fact strike Mr McWilliams with a pole of some
sort to his actually bodily harm?’ Sniper didn’t take the bait and remained
calm as Barry had warned him to, ‘Naw
mate, him and his cronies came roarin’ oot the pub swinging hooks and I hud tae
I gave him a swift boot in the hawmaws, tae put his gas oan a peep, know wit ah
mean?’ As Barry and Mick tried hard
not to laugh in the gallery, the Judge intervened, ‘Can we try to speak Standard English gentlemen as I’m having trouble
following this?’ The lawyer nodded
and turned back to Sniper, ‘by ‘hamaws’
you mean what exactly?’ Sniper looked at him, ‘Baws mate.’ ‘You mean
testicles am I correct?’ the lawyer enquired wearily, ‘Aye’ responded
Sniper his expression betraying no emotion. ‘So
you admit to assaulting Mr McWillians by kicking him in the groin area, is that
correct?’ the lawyer asked. Sniper shook his head, ‘Listen Pal, he wis oot for taking a liberty, it wis self-defence. If I
didny rattle his cheenies I’d still be in the Southern General the noo, ye
catch ma drift?’ The Judge shook his head, a mystified look on his face as
the prosecuting lawyer continued, ‘So
you’re claiming that you assaulted Mr McWillians, a man going about his lawful
business, in self-defence?’ Sniper looked a little annoyed for the first
time, ‘Goin’ aboot his lawful business?
He was pished an trying tae rip ma heed aff, wit ye want me tae dae? Staun
there like a bam and take it?’ The exchanges continued in this vein for
another 10 minutes before the exasperated lawyer, realising that Sniper was not
going to be trapped into saying anything incriminating, gave up. At this point
the Judge, who appeared to have given up trying to follow Sniper’s slang filled
language decided to call an adjournment and Sniper was excused for the day.
In the Empire bar, which was situated under a bridge in the
Saltmarket the friends shared a pint and chatted over the day’s events in the
court. ‘Reckon I’m on tae a not guilty,’
Sniper began ‘as most of that Jury are
Tims.’ Mick looked at him incredulously, ‘And how do you work that wan oot?’
Sniper looked at him with that pitying look he reserved for crying children
and lunatics, ’Look at their faces Mick,
too good looking tae be currant buns.’ Barry cut in at this point, ‘So your theory is that Tims are better
looking? Have you looked in the mirror recently? Yer nae Brad Pitt yerself big
man.’ Sniper was having none of it, ‘You’ve
always been a bit jealous of me Barry, is it coz I nipped yer burd when we wur
at High School?’ Barry laughed, ‘Nipped
my burd? Big Lynne wiz everybody’s burd, mer fingerprints on her drawers than
Scotland Yard has oan their files!’ Sniper smiled, ‘I heard you and her wur engaged?’ Barry was incredulous at this
claim, ‘Engaged! I was 15 ya walloper,
you talk some shite so ye dae!’ Mick
interjected at this point, ‘Never mind
big Lynne, are we going tae the footy on Sunday? Barry looked at him, ‘Only if this big eejit fae fantasy island remembered tae get the
tickets.’ Sniper smiled and withdrew a white envelope from the inside pocket
of his jacket. ‘When did yer yer big
mucker ever let yeez doon?’ Mick grinned, ‘When ye pumped Bary’s fiancé?’ They all laughed at that, even Barry.
A few days later they returned to the court for the jury’s
verdict. Sniper stood in the dock trying had to look like an innocent man in his
best jacket. Mick whispered to Barry, ‘Looks
like a feckin Pollok pimp in that coat.’ Barry smiled. The Judge turned to
the Jury, ‘Could your foreman stand.’
There was a mood of anticipation in the court as they awaited the verdict. ‘Do
you find the accused guilty or not-guilty of assault?’ The tall, middle
aged man in the jury box replied with the hint of a smile, ‘Not guilty.’ Sniper
grinned like a three year old on his birthday, ‘Yasss, cheers ma man!’ The
Judge scowled at him before turning back to the Jury, ‘and on the second charge
of breach of the peace?’ Again the man replied not guilty. The judge turned to
Sniper, ‘Thank you, you’re free to go.’ They met outside the court and slapped
their friend on the back, ‘Let’s get a pint Sniper.’ Sniper smiled before
replying in a mock Martin Luther King voice, ‘Free at last, free at last!’ Mick pushed him towards the
Saltmarket, ‘Right, move it ya plonker or
we’ll miss the pub.’ As they sat in the Tollbooth Bar enjoying the cool
pint, Sniper’s phoned buzzed. ‘Awright
Uncle James? Good man, I’ll see ye later.’ He hung up. ‘Uncle James? I
never knew ye had an uncle James,’ said Barry. Sniper nodded with a small smile
on his face, ‘Aye, ma maw’s big brother. you’ve
seen him ye know.’ Mick looked mystified, ‘Seen him? Naw Sniper I don’t think I’ve seen him.’ Sniper looked
like a bad comedian holding back a punchline, ‘Ye saw him today,’ He was enjoying his friends confusion and
hesitated a moment before blurting out, ‘He
wiz the foreman of the Jury.’ There was a stunned moment’s silence before
the three friends erupted into laughter. ‘Sniper,
yer a fuckin madman!’ said Barry.

The League cup final that season was a poignant one for all
the Celtic family. Jimmy Johnstone had finally lost his courageous fight with
motor neurone disease and the loss was on every Celts mind. As Celtic and Dunfermline came out to a huge roar, Sniper
shouted, ‘Look Barry, they’re aw wearing
number seven!’ The entire Celtic squad did indeed have number seven on
their shorts as a tribute to their greatest ever player and there were a few
moist eyes among the huge Celtic support crowded around most of the stadium. As
the teams prepared to kick of a roar emanated from the Celtic end of Hampden
which spread around the old stadium. The three friends joined tens of thousands
of others in an old chant which their father’s and even grandfather’s would
have known… ‘Jimmy oh Jimmy Johnstone, oh
Jimmy Johnstone on the wing.’ Barry
looked around Hampden at the sea of faces, he couldn’t imagine not following
Celtic. It was as natural as breathing. ‘Here we go boys,’ he shouted as
Maloney sped down the wing. This would be the Jimmy Johnstone final to them all
when they spoke of it in the future and there was no way Celtic were going to
lose this one.